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A CIS environment exists when one or more computer(s) of any type or size is (are) involved in the processing of financial information, including quantitative data, of significance to the audit, whether those computers are operated by the entity or by a third party. The purpose of this Auditing and Assurance Standard (AAS) is to establish standards on procedures to be followed when an audit is conducted in a computer information systems (CIS) environment. The AAS lays down standard in respect of skills and competence needed by the auditor to conduct an audit of CIS environment, factors to consider while planning such an audit, peculiar features of a CIS environment, assessment of risk, audit procedures to reduce audit risk, documentation in such audits.

This Auditing and Assurance Standard (AAS) becomes operative for all audits related to accounting periods beginning on or after 1st April, 2003.


Issued in January, 2003.
Published in the Handbook of Auditing Pronouncements, Vol. I, (Edn. 2003).
Also available as a separate publication of the Institute (Price: Rs. 20/-).
ISBN: 81-88437-13-1.

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