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Main Occupation-for Training (Regulation 43)

The council has laid down the following guidelines for determination of the main occupation of Members for the purpose of their eligibility to train articled assistant.

  1. the office hours of the member should be 35 in a week.
  2. Such office hours should be consistent with the normal working hours and should not be before 9.00 a.m. or after 7.00 p.m.

  3. The normal working hours for an articled assistant should not start after 11.00 a.m. or end before 5.00 p.m.

Member engaged in full-time employment (other than in an educational institution)

  1. The main occupation of a member engaged in full-time employment, will be employment even though he may hold a Certificate of Practice, because a member cannot have two main occupations. Even if the office-hours in full-time employment are arranged in such a manner as to have substantial time for practice, practice cannot be considered as main occupation.

  2. The timings of employment should not at all clash or overlap with his own office hours.

Member engaged in full-time employment in an educational institution

  1. The timing of the employment should not normally clash or overlap with his own office hours

  2. if, however, the hours of the employment clash or overlap with his own office hours, the time devoted to employment (including travelling time) during such office hours should not be more than 50 per cent of office hours and should not exceed 20 hours in a week.

Members engaged in part-time employment

  1. The timing of the employment should normally clash or overlap with his/her own office hours.

  2. If, however, the hours of the employment clash or overlap with his own office hours, the time devoted to employment (including travelling time) during such office hours shold not be more than 50 per cent of office hours and should not exceed 20 hours in a week.

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