- Important Announcement for January 2021 Examination and Exam City Change Application. - (23-12-2020)
- Result of the online Examination of the Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management held on 7th & 8th November, 2020. - (23-12-2020)
- Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (Advanced ICITSS)-Adv. Information Technology Test - Computer Based Mode on 12th January, 2021 - (22-12-2020)
- Advisory to follow the ICAI Valuation Standards 2018 while conducting any type of Valuation Engagement to ensure uniformity and transparency issued by Valuation Standards Board ICAI - (21-12-2020)
- Mandatory validation of UDIN in all Income Tax Forms - (19-12-2020)
- Announcement regarding Further extension of applicability date of CARO, 2020 for one year, i.e., upto 1st April, 2021 by CL&CGC ICAI - (19-12-2020)
- Announcement regarding Further relaxations by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs till December 1, 2021 for inclusion of the name of Independent Directors in the Independent Directors Data Bank and criteria for registration by CL&CGC ICAI - (19-12-2020)
- Empanelment of Chartered Accountant firms/LLPs with the O/o C&AG of India for the year 2021-2022 - (17-12-2020)
- Announcement for Registration to 3rd batch of Certificate Course on CSR - (17-12-2020)
- Reopening of Empanelment of Members to act as Observers for November 2020 cycle-II (JANUARY/FEBRURAY, 2021) Examinations. - (16-12-2020)
- Gazette Notification No.1-CA(7)/197/2020 dated 10th December, 2020 - (16-12-2020)
- Last date extended till 31st December, 2020 to apply for 14th ICAI Awards being organised by Committee for Members in Industry & Business (CMI&B) - (15-12-2020)
- Registration for Online Home-Based Practical Training Assessment - (15-12-2020)
- Important Announcement regarding the Last Date of Payment of Membership/ COP Fees - (15-12-2020)
- Exposure Draft of Lease Liability in a Sale and Leaseback - Proposed amendment to IFRS 16 - (14-12-2020)
- Important Announcement - January / February 2021 Examinations - (11-12-2020)
- Extension for completion of Orientation Course/IT Training by the eligible Intermediate students on or before 31st March, 2021 instead of on or before 31st December, 2020 - (10-12-2020)
- Completion of MCS Course and Advanced IT Course through Virtual Mode as one time measure for students appearing for November 2021 Final course exam - (10-12-2020)
- Change of Examination Centres for Foundation Examination in the State of Kerala - (07-12-2020)
- Important Announcement for November 2020 Examinations - (07-12-2020)