- Exposure Draft of amendments to Investment Entities: (Applying the Consolidation Exception) Amendments to the following Ind AS: (i)Ind AS 110, Consolidated Financial Statements,(ii)Ind AS 112, Disclosure of Interests in Other Entities,(iii)Ind AS 28, Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures-(25-09-2015)
- Exposure Draft of the Accounting Standard (AS) 2, Inventories (Comments to be received by October 07, 2015) - (23-09-2015)
- Exposure Draft of the Accounting Standard (AS) 10, Events After the Reporting Period (Comments to be received by October 07, 2015) - (23-09-2015)
- Exposure Draft of the Accounting Standard (AS) 20, Accounting for Government Grants (Comments to be received by October 07, 2015) - (23-09-2015)
- Exposure Draft of the amendments to Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 1, Presentation of Financial Statements (Comments to be received by October 07, 2015) - (22-09-2015)
- Exposure Draft of the amendments to Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 17, Leases (Comments to be received by October 07, 2015) - (22-09-2015)
- Empanelment of “Writers” for Chartered Accountants examination - (22-09-2015)
- Meeting with the Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley - (22-09-2015)
- Exposure Draft of the amendments to Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 101, First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards (Comments to be received by October 07, 2015)-(22-09-2015)
- Assessment Test of the Certificate Course on International Taxation organized by the Committee on International Taxation of ICAI - Sunday 18th October, 2015 (2.00 PM to 5.00 PM). - (18-09-2015)
- Amendment in ICAI Website Guidelines - (17-09-2015)
- Nomination of Shri P.K. Mishra, Director General (Commercial)-I, Office of the C&AG, in place of Shri P. Sesh Kumar, Director General (Commercial) on the 22nd Council. - (14-09-2015)
- Guidance Note on Audit of Internal Financial Controls Over Financial Reporting issued by Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. - (14-09-2015)
- Initiatives being taken by the Direct Taxes Committee of ICAI for extension of due date of filing Income-tax returns for the AY 2015-16. - (29-08-2015)
- Clarifications on some commonly asked queries pertaining to elected representatives of ICAI and the general members of ICAI - (29-08-2015)
- Holding of Special Examinations-MRAs/MOUs - (25-08-2015)
- Notification No.1-CA.(7)/173/2015 dated 21.08.2015 regarding setting up of a Branch of SIRC at West Godavari District at Eluru in Andhra Pradesh - (24-08-2015)
- Revised Announcement- Mechanism to Monitor Tendering - (24-08-2015)
- Examination for the Certificate Course on Valuation scheduled on 11th October, 2015- (24-08-2015)
- FACE To FACE with the Ministry of Finance on Black Money Act. - (22-08-2015)