Board of Studies - Academic

Chairman, Board of Studies - Academic
CA. Hans Raj Chugh

Phone: +91 9811207924
Mobile: +91 9811207924



  • To produce competent Chartered Accountants capable of making a positive contribution over their lifetime to the profession and the society in which they work.
  • To provide a strong foundation of knowledge, skills and professional values that enables them to continue to learn by lifelong learning and adapt to change throughout their professional lives.


To recommend to the Council the broad policies governing theoretical education and practical training of the students undergoing Chartered Accountancy Course.

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  • CA. Hans Raj Chugh, Chairman
  • CA. Purushottamlal Khandelwal, Vice-Chairman
  • CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, President (Ex-officio)
  • CA. Prasanna Kumar D, Vice-President (Ex-officio)
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