Committee for Members in Practice

Chairman, Committee for Members in Practice
CA. Madhukar Narayan Hiregange

Phone: +91 9845011210
Mobile: +91 9845011210


Terms of Reference

To address the issues of profession and challenges faced by the CA Firms & Members in Practice, review the regulatory impediments and to suggest changes in this regard for strengthening and developing the capacity of CA Firms / Practitioners enhancing their competence and improving their visibility amongst the business community and to develop the Capacity Building Measures & to prescribe standards of Professional Practice for the enhancement of the Practice Portfolio of the Members in Practice & CA Firms.

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  • CA. Madhukar Narayan Hiregange, Chairman
  • CA. Satish Kumar Gupta, Vice-Chairman
  • CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, President (Ex-officio)
  • CA. Prasanna Kumar D, Vice-President (Ex-officio)
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Committee Profile

The Committee for Members in Practice (CMP) is a non-standing Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India was formed under regulatory provisions of Chartered Accountants Act, 1949. This Committee was formed in the month of February, 2010 under nomenclature ‘Committee for Capacity Building of CA Firms and Small & Medium Practitioners’ (CCBCAF & SMP) by combining previously formed Committees, Committee for Capacity Building of CA Firms and Committee for Small & Medium Practitioners. The Committee was renamed in the year 2015 as the ‘Committee for Capacity Building of Members in Practice’ & in the year 2020 the Committee was again renamed as ‘Committee for Members in Practice. The objective of the Committee is to enhance the Capacity Building of Members in Practice & CA firms. Thus the ultimate objective of the Committee is to rejuvenate the practice portfolio of Practitioners & CA Firms with the aid of the various endeavours undertaken by the Committee. The Committee also has made various arrangement with various vendor Companies/ entities for providing the various softwares to enhance the Practice portfolio of the Practitioners , Social Security , Finance & other beneficial schemes.

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