Disciplinary Committee (u/s 21 D read with section 17)

President in Office, Disciplinary Committee (u/s 21 D read with section 17)




  • CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, President
  • CA. Prasanna Kumar D, Vice-President
  • CA. Sanjib Sanghi
  • CA. Rajesh Sharma
  • Government Nominee

Knowledge Sharing

Disciplinary Committee (old) under section 21D of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949

  • To investigate and hold enquiries in respect of a complaint or Information against a member of the Institute under Section 21 (pending with the Council prior to the date of coming into force of the new Disciplinary Mechanism i.e. 17th November, 2006), where the Council is prima facie of opinion that the member has been guilty of any professional or other misconduct.
  • Summoning of witnesses related to the case, enforcing their attendance and examining them on oath.
  • Discovery and production of any documents and receiving evidences on affidavit.
  • To submit its Report of enquire to the Council of the Institute for its consideration and for award of punishment/making recommendation of punishment to the High Court.

Findings of the Council under old mechanism(Section 21-D of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949)

Cases before the Disciplinary Committee (under the old mechanism) as on date

Contact Us

  • Secretary to the Committee:
    CA. (Dr.) Jai Kumar Batra, Secretary, ICAI
    The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
    ICAI Bhawan,
    P O Box 7100, Indraprastha Marg,
    Website :- www.icai.org

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