Public Relations Committee

Chairman, Public Relations Committee
CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, President




  • CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Chairman
  • CA. Prasanna Kumar D, Vice-Chairman
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Mission: To develop, strengthen and enhance the image of the ICAI as a premier accountancy body and the sole regulatory authority for the profession of Chartered Accountancy in India & globally through various ways and means, as considered appropriate within framework of the CA Act.
Terms of Reference

  • To develop and adopt a medium-term and a long term policy for Public Relations and Corporate Communication of and from the Institute in order to enhance the image and prestige of the ICAI and its members and develop & execute actions in line with that.
  • Besides the ongoing activities, propose publicity strategies in line with ICAI Mission to help increase PR reach from the current state.
  • To project the Chartered Accountant as a well rounded professional and a Business Solutions Provider, through various means including advertisement etc.
  • To develop, maintain & strengthen relationship and to have close interactions with various departments/Ministries in the Government, Educational Institutions, Trade Chambers, Media and other stakeholders in coordination with concerned committees of ICAI, if any.
  • To promote, maintain and strengthen close interaction with members of the Media, members of the Parliament and State Legislatures, Ministries of the Central & State Governments, offices of Chief Ministers, senior Government officials, industrialists & businessmen.
  • To take necessary activities and appropriate steps which interalia may include formation of Group/Taskforces for promoting Financial and Tax Literacy amongst general public through various ways and means.
  • To execute such strategies and action programmes as may be deemed essential and appropriate to the achievement of the overall Mission.
  • To print and publish such matter in the form of pamphlets, booklets, books, films, videos etc, as are deemed to be of importance in the achievement of the overall Mission and/or any of the objectives included herein.
  • To organize such meetings/Seminars/Press conferences or any other programmes as may be deemed appropriate and relevant to the attainment of the ICAI Mission and Objectives, either independently or jointly with others.
  • Ensure adequate media coverage for ICAI especially for all important events/programmes and decision of ICAI.
  • Issue clarifications to the media on matters of general interest and issues concerning the profession to enable that the view of the ICAI prevails upon.
  • To tie up with various media platforms in the fulfillment of objective of ICAI.

Knowledge Sharing

Contact Us

  • Secretary to the Committee: Ms. Sumati Jha (In-charge)
    Public Relations Committee
    The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
    ICAI Bhawan,
    Post Box Number 7100
    Indraprastha Marg
    New Delhi 110 002
    E-Mail: prc[at]icai[dot]in

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