Here are the details of the upcoming batches of Certificate Course on Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection:
The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, recognizing the need for Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection, in the emerging economic scenario, has decided to launch this Certificate Course on Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection. Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection specialisation is in increasing demand considering increasing incidents of cyber-crimes and frauds detection. It is the practice of utilizing accounting, auditing, CAATs/ Data Mining Tools, and investigative skills to detect fraud/ mistakes.
Learning Outcomes
- Assessment of the damages
- Fact finding to see whether fraud/embezzlement has taken place
- Collection of evidence
- Investigating and analyzing financial evidence
Course Features (in Physical Mode)
Topics covered during Professional Training of Seven Days
- Course Introduction, Business Fraud, scenario, and fraudster profile
- Discussion on types of red flags, types of fraud situations, Case Studies
- Data Analytics using MS Excel and CAAT Tools (IDEA)
- Digital Forensics and Cyber law
- Introduction to Cyber Crime & International Guidance to Cyber Forensics Laws
- Forensic Accounting & Investigation Standards (FAIS)
The Background Material of the Course may be viewed/ downloaded from:
Eligibility Criteria to get eligible for AT
- 40 Marks for two Module Tests + 40 Marks for two Forensic Investigation Report + 20 Marks for Research Paper & PPT (TOTAL- 100 Marks)
Participant have to secure 50% marks in the Module Test and Project Work (i.e. 50 Marks in total out of 100 in aggregate) to get eligible for appearing in the AT. Hence passing of the Module Tests and the Project Work is the precondition for appearing in the FAFD Assessment Test
- The Minimum Attendance Criteria is 90%
- Note: In case the Participant is securing marks less than 50% in Project Work + Module Test in aggregate due to which he / she is not able to get eligible to appear for FAFD AT then the Participant may be allowed to re-submit the Project only with approval of DAAB Secretariat (i.e. two Forensic Investigation Report + Research Paper & PPT) with the re-submission fees of Rs. 500 + GST ( ). The Topic may be same, or a new Topic can be requested by the Participant.
FAFD Assessment Test
- 100 marks for FAFD AT
The minimum marks required for passing FAFD AT is 50% i.e. 50 marks out of 100
Course Duration: 7 Days
Course Fees: Rs 14000/- + 18% GST
CPE Hours: The CPE credit of 20 Hours will be given to the participants. (15 CPE hours after completion of PT Session and remaining 5 CPE Hours after passing the FAFD AT)
Note: The Course is available in Virtual Mode also. Fees: Rs. 7000/+18% GST; Course Duration: 11 days (42 Hours).
For further details & registration, please visit:
For Further Details, please contact
Nodal Officer Dr. Ankur Khairwal Sr. Executive Officer, Digital Accounting and Assurance Board, ICAI E-mail: - fafp[at]icai[dot]in Tel: +91 120-3045963 |
Last updated on 22nd March, 2025 |