Many of today’s revenue generating contracts being entered into the software industry are complex and involve considerable uncertainty. Implementation of revenue recognition principles is no longer considered a routine matter. A variety of revenue recognition principles are being followed in the Software Industry. The area requires considerable judgment.

Recognising the need for establishing uniform and sound accounting practices for revenue recognition of various types of contracts entered into the Software Industry, Research Committee of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has brought out this ‘Technical Guide on Revenue Recognition for Software’. The publication primarily provides guidance to deal with industry-specific accounting issues relating to revenue recognition of software with a view to bring about establishment of sound accounting practices.

Price Rs. 100/-
Postal Charges Rs. 19/- (plus Rs. 17/-, if required by registered parcel)
Available at Sale counters of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India at New Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata and Kanpur. Copies can also be obtained by post. To order by post, send your request along with a demand draft for the amount of the price of the publication plus the postal charges in favour of “The Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India”, payable at New Delhi, to the Postal Sales Department, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, ICAI Bhawan, A-94/4, Sector-58, Noida – 201301 (U.P).

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