About the Course

The Committee on Financial Markets and Investors’ Protection is one of the Non-Standing Committees of the ICAI which conducts Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management (FXTM) for professional development of members in this field. This course covers foreign exchange market, money market, bond market operations and related financial products. It therefore analyses the international finance environment within which banks, other intermediaries and companies operate and how it affects their operations in treasury. Sound treasury management utilizes the right financial products and tools for minimizing risk. The course examines alternative strategies and techniques that can be employed to manage the risks associated with international business transactions and other treasury operations. It also provides an overview of the structure and key functions of the treasury.

Learning Objectives
  • To have a contextual appreciation of the changes taking place in the global financial market, the issues facing the corporate financial manager, the development of academic theory and of practice in explaining and managing the financial risk which these changes bring.
  • Understand and conquer the complexities of Forex and treasury management
  • Be able to solve integrated and practical treasury problem
  • Identify and evaluate exchange rate risks facing domestic and multinational companies
  • Apply and evaluate alternative methods for managing foreign exchange
  • Be able to use forex derivatives to hedge forex risk
  • Be able to structure the finances of foreign operations
  • Be able to make international capital budgeting decisions
  • Demonstrate the ability to manage cash and liquidity in multinational organisation
  • Be able to make short term investment decisions
  • Be able to use money market instruments, bond market instruments and manage interest risk using derivatives
  • Be able to understand linkages between money market and Forex market
  • Demonstrate understanding of ethical and compliance issues

Course Contents

CHAPTER– 1 Treasury – Organisation Structure
CHAPTER– 2 Treasury – Process
CHAPTER– 3 Treasury – Domestic
CHAPTER– 4 Treasury – Forex
CHAPTER– 5 Treasury – Mathematics
CHAPTER– 6 Treasury – Technology

CHAPTER– 7 Treasury – Accounting
CHAPTER – 8 Treasury – Taxation
CHAPTER – 9 Treasury – Types
CHAPTER – 10 Treasury - Risk Management
CHAPTER – 11 Treasury – Regulation, Supervision and Compliance
CHAPTER – 12 Treasury – Auditing

Only the Members of ICAI are eligible to pursue this course.

Course Duration
Online/Virtual Classes will be for 10 Days and 11th Day Project Presentation & Evaluation - 4 Hours each.

A candidate will have to attend 75% of classes, failing which, s/he will not be entitled to appear in the exams (Assessment Test)

Note: -
If a member fails to attend 75% of the classes due to unavoidable reasons, s/he must complete the remaining course hours in the next two consecutive batches, failing which a fresh registration will be required to complete the course.

CPE Credit
The participants to this course will be given 30 CPE Hrs wherein credit of 25 CPE hours will be given after completion of entire classes and remaining 5 hours will be given after successfully clearing the exam (Assessment Test) as per CPE guidelines.

Assessment Test & Evaluation Pattern
There will be 2 Papers of 100 marks each for three hours at the end of the course and one Project of 150 marks will be allotted during the classroom sessions. The paper will consist of 100% multiple objective type questions with Section A, B & C. A passing grade is awarded if the candidate obtains 40% marks in each paper and project and 50% in the aggregate.

Papers/Project Chapters Marks Time allotted
Paper-1 Chapters 1-6 along with case studies and practical questions 100 Marks 3 hrs
Paper-2 Chapters 7-12 along with case studies and practical questions 100 Marks 3 hrs
Project/s Topic given during sessions (Different topics are allotted for each participant with project guidelines & template of PPT) 150 Marks Evaluation 11th day of session (5 minutes allotted to each participant for present Project online)
Total 350 Marks

Note :
  • 1. Assessment test fee: Rs.1000/-+GST fee is applicable only if the participant is unable to clear/take the Assessment test in their first eligible attempt
  • 2. A participant will be allowed a maximum of 4 attempts to pass the assessment. If a candidate is unable to qualify/take the assessment after 4 attempts within two years, a fresh registration is required to complete the course
Course Fees
Course fee of Certificate course on Forex and Treasury Management Rs. 5,900/- [Rs. 5,000/- (Course fee) + Rs. 900/- (18% GST)]

Refund policy
  • 1 Requests for refund or admission cancellation must be received at least one week before the Certificate Course starts.
  • 2 A deduction of 10% of the gross fee paid (including GST) will be applied, in accordance with ICAI norms.
  • 3 No refund requests will be accepted once the course has commenced.
For details-contact

To Secretariat,
Committee on Financial Markets and Investors’ Protection
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
Second Floor, Hostel Block
ICAI Bhawan, A-29- Sector 62 Noida, 201309
E-mail: fxtm@icai.in,
Contact Details: 0120- 3045905

Note: Committee reserves the right to change the venue, time, date, pattern and course curriculum.
Last updated on 21st February, 2025

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