Announcement on – Requirement to mention the firm registration number allotted by ICAI in all reports issued, including certificates, by members of the ICAI **

Attention of the members is invited to the announcement regarding requirement relating to mentioning the firm registration number in the audit reports, published on page 1312 of the February 2010 issue of the Journal.

The Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, in terms of the decision taken at the 296th meeting held in June 2010 has decided to extend the requirement to mention the firm registration number to all reports issued pursuant to any attestation engagement, including certificates, issued by the members as proprietor of/ partner in the said firm. The requirement shall apply where such firm registration number has been allotted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

The Council further decided to make this requirement effective for all attestation reports/ certificates issued on or after 1st October, 2010.

** Issued in August, 2010 and revised in February, 2022. The revised announcement was considered and approved by the Council of ICAI at its 408th meeting held on 3rd & 4th February, 2022.

Last updated on 8th September, 2023

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