Updated on August 19,2008
(Regulation 45)

A student joining Articleship would be required to satisfy that -


has passed the Professional Education (Examination - II) under the Chartered Accountants Regulations; and


has successfully completed computer training programme or information technology training as specified by the Council.

However, a student who has passed the Common Proficiency Test held under these regulations and also 10+2 examination conducted by an examining body constituted by a law in India or examination recognized by the Central Government as equivalent thereto; or has passed Foundation Examination / Professional Education (Examination-I) under these Regulations shall be eligible for admission to articled training.

In addition, a student who was registered as an articled assistant before the commencement of the Common Proficiency Test shall be eligible to continue and complete the remaining period of practical training as per the deed of articles already executed under these Regulations irrespective of any break in the continuity of training.

A student who has passed Professional Education (Examination-II) under these Regulations at the time of commencement of the Common Proficiency Test may join 3 year articled training up to such time as may be specified by the Council. The Council has provided a cut off date for this purpose as 31st May 2009.

All students of Professional Education (Course-II) who have not passed Foundation Examination / Professional Education (Examination-I) are allowed to undergo studies under the existing scheme. On expiry of the last examination of Professional Education (Examination-II) to be held on May 2009, they are allowed to appear in Professional Competence Examination (PCE). On passing PCE, they are allowed to join 3 years articled training.

All the students of Professional Education (Course -II) who joined the course after passing  Foundation Examination / Entrance Examination / Professional Education (Examination-I) can now appear in Professional Education (Examination-II) to be held in November, 2008 and May, 2009 as well.



Buy Forms 102 and 103 from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi or from Regional Offices or its Branch Offices on payment of Rs.100/-including Prospectus of Professional Competence Course ( Price Rs.50)


Obtain the same by post by sending a demand draft / PO of Rs.140/- (including postage) payable in favour of "The Secretary, The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi or the concerned Regional Office.


Ensure a vacancy under an eligible practising Chartered Accountant for undergoing articles training.



If a vacancy is available and the Chartered Accountant in practice has agreed to impart training then execute Deed of Articles in Form 102 by affixing 'Special Adhesive Stamp' thereon or on a non-judicial stamp paper of the value as per rate in force in the City / State. Fill up all details in Form 103 as required, sign it, obtain counter signature of the Principal


Submit Form 103 in duplicate alongwith:



Certified true copy of marks statement of Foundation Examination / Professional Education (Examination-I) / Professional Education (Examination-II) / Common Proficiency Test.


Certified true copy of Secondary / High School Certificate in proof of Date of Birth.


Certified true copy of marks statement of 10+2 examination.


Requisite fees by way of Demand Draft as per schedule of fees given on Para. 5


Certificate of completion of the 250 Hours Compulsory Computer Training / 100 Hours Information Technology Training in case a student is joining 3 year articled training after passing Professional Education (Examination-II).Copies of all testimonials must be attested by the Principal.

5A.  Schedule of Fees payable under the New Scheme of Education & Training w.e.f.  September 13, 2006





Fees for (i) Indian students residing in India and other SAARC countries and Bhutan, and (ii) students belonging to other SAARC countries and Bhutan

Students other than stated in Column 2 i.e. (i) the students of foreign countries other than SAARC countries and Bhutan and (ii) Indian students residing abroad other than SAARC countries and Bhutan

(2) Professional Competence Course:
(a) Registration fee as articled/audit clerk
(b) Students’ Associations fee
(c) Registration fee with BOS
(d) Tuition fee for PCC
(e) Registration fee for 100 hours ITT

(In Rs.)





(3) Final Course




  1. Students of Professional Education (Course-I) who want to switch over to CPT under new scheme of education and training, are required to remit Rs.100 provided they have not exhausted 5 consecutive attempts. The Board of Studies will provide them study materials free of cost. Those students who have exhausted all the attempts will have to register afresh by paying full registration fee for CPT, i.e. Rs.3500/- applicable at present.
  2. An existing student of Professional Education (Course-II), who opts for switching over to PCC is exempt from payment of Registration fee with the Board of Studies and tuition fee of Rs.4000. He has to pay Rs.400 towards cost of study materials and Rs.250 for re-registration fee.
  3. As per the transition scheme, if a student opts for switching over to PCC and he has already paid registration fee of Rs.2000 for 250 Hours CCT Programme, he is exempt from payment of Registration fee for 100 Hours ITT on production of fee receipt. Students should attach a copy of such fee receipt along with filled Form Nos.102 & 103.
  4. Those students who have exhausted all the attempts will have to register afresh by paying full registration fees for PCC cum Articleship cum ITT, i.e. Rs.7,500 applicable at present. But if the student has already been registered for articleship and/or ITT (earlier CCT), the student would not be required to register afresh for the same.

B.  Fee for enrolment for Final (New) Course applicable for Students registering as articled assistants after passing Professional Education (Examination – II)



Composite Fees

Indian Students

Foreign Students



Registration fee as articled / audit

Rs. 500/-



Student's Association fee

Rs. 500/-



Registration fee with Board of Studies

Rs. 500/-



Tuition fees for Final Course

Rs. 8,500/-




Rs. 10,000/-


(i)   Students after passing Professional Competence Course (PCC) will be required to make payment of Rs.8.500 only.

(ii)  Students of Final (Old) Course can switch over to Final (New) Course by making a payment of Rs.1100. The study material will be supplied by the Board of Studies without any further charges.

(iii) The registration for Final Course will be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of initial registration. After expiry of 5 years from the date the student initially registered himself/herself for Final course his registration will lapse except where such student has appeared in at least one of the last two examinations conducted just before the end of five years. The registration of such student shall however lapse in case he subsequently does not appear in two consecutive examinations. Such students will required to re-register himself/herself by payment a nominal revalidation fee of Rs.500/-.


Form - 103 alongwith attested copies of testimonials and required fees (as mentioned above) to be submitted so as to reach the Institutes Office within 30 days from the date of commencement of Articles / Audit Service.


The Journal subscription is optional. The rates for Journal Subscription are as under:-



At the time of initial Registrations as an Articled / Audit Assistants - Rs. 1400 for Three & Half Years


After the date of Registration (training should be more than one year) - Rs. 400 per annum. (Other students & faculty –Rs.600 per annum)


In case Form No. 103 is not submitted to the Institute's office within 30 days from the date of commencement of training, the procedure laid down by the Council for condonation of delay in submission of forms will apply. Refer chapter 25 Condonation of delay in non-submission of various forms within specified time.



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