Announcement - Payment of Annual Membership Fee/Certificate of Practice Fee
  • The annual Membership and Certificate of Practice fees (if member holds certificate of practice) became due and payable on 1st April, 2006. Circulars advising members to pay the membership/certificate of practice fee were sent to individual members in the month of March/April, 2006 and published in April, 2006 issue of the Journal.
  • Attention of all those members who have not paid the annual membership fee/certificate of practice fee by 31st July, 2006 is invited to pay the fees immediately as it should reach to the concerned Regional Office before 30th September, 2006.
  • The non-payment of annual membership/certificate of practice fee will have the following consequences :
    • The member will not be eligible to use designatory letters ‘ACA’/’FCA’ and designation ‘chartered accountant’.
    • A member in practice will cease his right to practice as a Chartered Accountant
    • Such a member will not eligible to train articled/audit clerks already receiving training under him on or after 1.10.2006.
    • The member will not be eligible to train any new articled/audit clerk on or after 1.10.2006.
    • Such a member will not be eligible to carry out audit/certificate/attest and other functions in view of (i) above.
  • The membership numbers of all the members who have not paid the membership fee till 31st July, 2006 are being displayed on the website of the Regional Councils.
  • For, any other clarification, the members are advised to contact the concerned Decentralised Offices of the Region.
Please pay your membership fee and avoid unwanted removal of your name.

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