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Certificate Course on Valuation

Course Objective:

Starting with the basic understanding about the term Value, the course runs through the key approaches of valuation discovering the underlying assumptions of various models, as well as best practices, and their applications in live cases. Once the operation knowledge is gained, the same would be applied to case studies. This is an intensive and comprehensive package of face-to-face sessions facilitated by experienced and renowned faculties. This course has the vision to empower our members as leaders in the global service market. 


Papers and Syllabus

The course for Valuation shall be comprised of the following four modules

Module 1 - overview of Valuation

Module 2 - Valuation Techniques

Module 3 - Corporate Laws & Income Tax Implications

Module4 - Application of Valuation Techniques & Project Presentation.

Module 1 –Overview of Valuation

Part-1     Introducing valuation

·   What is value

·   Differentiate price and value

·   Who values businesses

·   Purpose and role of a valuation

·   Principles of valuation

·   Definition of Standard of value (basis of valuation)

    Fair Market value

    Fair value

    Investment value

    Intrinsic value

·         Premise of value

Going concern


·         Valuation myths

·         Valuation process

·         Valuation standards

            Ethical Issues

            Terms of Engagement (TOE)

            Valuation Services


                        Valuation Report

                        Assumptions & limiting conditions

                        Reporting Guidelines      

            Using work of expert

                 Drafting the Valuation Report

               Subsequent event

·         Understanding of financial and equity markets

·         Sources of financial information





Part – 2 Valuation Analyses


·         Research techniques and planning

·         Economy and industry research

·         Historical analysis

                            Understanding the business

                       Understanding the Regulatory framework for the industry

                       Understanding the value drivers

                                   Accounting analysis

                       Accounting policy review

                       Length of financial history

                       Adjustments to financial statements  

                       Assets and liability analysis including contingent assets and liabilities

                       Income and expenses analysis

                       Financial analysis

                       Ratio analysis

                       Cash flow analysis  

·         Strategy analysis

                          Michael Porter's Five Forces



                          BCG matrix

                          GE/McKinsey matrix

                          ADL matrix

                          Core competencies

·         Company risk analysis

·         Prospective analysis – forecasting

·         Techniques and elements of forecasting

       DuPont model and limitation

       Sensitivity analysis

       Scenario analysis


       Regression analysis

       Time series model

       Stress testing


·         Financial projection modeling

·         Type of Due diligence

·         Effect of due diligence on valuation


Module 2 - Valuation Techniques




·         Valuation Approaches

Discounted cash flow (DCF) approach

Enterprise value

Equity value

Adjusted present value (APV)

Relative valuation approach

Price to equity (PER) and PEG

Price to book

Price to sales

Price to cash flow

Enterprise value to EBITDA

Income approach

Earning capitalization

EVA (Economic Value added)

Asset Approach

Real option approach or contingent claim approach

·         Selection of valuation approach

·         Assigning Weight to Approaches

                                   Theory and Practice

                                   Mathematical versus Subjective Weighting

·         Valuation of Options

                              General Principles of Option Valuation

                                 Specific method for Valuing Options

                       Binomial tree method


                       Black & Scholes valuation Methodology




·         Cost of capital

                           Characteristics of cost of capital

                           Risk and cost of capital

                           Methods of Development of cost of capital

                                 CAPM (capital asset pricing model

                                 APT (Arbitrage pricing theory)

                                 DDM (dividend discount model)

                           Development of WACC

                       Factors affecting cost of capital

                        Theory of Modigliani-Miller

                        Impact of Financial Leverage on Cost of Capital

                        Forecasting of interest rates and theories of interest rates

·         Adjusting value through discounts and premiums

             Control premium

             LOCD (lack of control discount)

             LOMD (lack of marketability discount)

             Other premiums and discounts

·         Business damages vs  business valuation

·         Valuation in special situations ;

1.       Valuation of unlisted share

2.       Valuation of distressed company

3.       Valuation of early stage company

4.       Valuation in M & A

5.       Valuation in buy-sell agreement

6.       Valuation of Investment Company

7.       Valuation of Intangibles including approaches

8.       Valuation for financial reporting

9.       Valuation of real assets and real estate

10.   Valuation for cross border mergers

11.   Valuation of bonds, warrants and convertibles


Module 3 - Corporate Laws & Income Tax implications




·         Corporate Laws Aspects

      Mergers and Amalgamations


      Acquisitions / disposal of business / slump sale


      Internal & External Restructuring


·         Legal aspects including litigation and contingencies

      Vat and other indirect taxes

      Financial instruments

      Equity investments

      Preferential shares

      Cross Border Taxation Issues

·         Implication of Stamp Duty

·         Regulatory overview

      Regulating Valuers/Valuations Professionals

      SEBI regulations including Take Over Code

      Capital Market Controls

      Reserve Bank regulations




·         Income Tax implications

      Capital gains / losses under tax treatment

      Taxation on transfer of business / securities

      Treatment of business losses

      Statutory Valuation

      Wealth Tax

      Carried forward of losses

      Losses of closely held companies

      Transfer pricing issues



Module 4 - Application of valuation techniques & Project Presentation



-     The broad objective is to ascertain the fair value while applying the sound valuation principles and techniques.

-     Multiple case studies across industries/sectors like Pharmaceutical, Retail, Manufacturing, Banking, Insurance, Aviation, Mining, Infrastructure, private equity valuation etc.

-     Evaluation of Project through Dissertation and/or viva- voce/presentation


  • The Study Material would deal with exhaustively the aforesaid matter including the following;


-      In Reference Material, International Scenario and their standards would be       referred to for details.

-      Influencing factors

       (a)  YTM of Govt. Corporate Bond   

       (b)   Financial rating of the company

       (c)   Outlook for Indian economy

       (d)   Outlook for the Industry

       (e)   Quality of management

       (f)    Unexpired period of fiscal benefits

       (g)    Trading volumes


  • Duration of the Course: - 300 Hours as follows:

Self Study- 200 hours

Class room teaching- 50 hours

Case Study in Groups- 50 hours


  • Fee of the Course:- Rs. 25,000 including the evaluation fee

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