Compendium of Indian Accounting Standards (Year 2023-2024)

  • (Compared to the last edition, Companies (Ind AS) amendment Rules, 2023 were issued, effective from annual period beginning on or after the 1st April, 2023. The same have been included in this Compendium)

Volume I (Ind AS 101 - Ind AS 116)
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Volume II (Ind AS 1 - Ind AS 41)
( HTML Version ;PDF Version )
Compendium of Indian Accounting Standards (Year 2022-2023)

Compendium of Indian Accounting Standards (Year 2021-2022)

Compendium of Indian Accounting Standards (Year 2020-2021)

Compendium of Indian Accounting Standards (Year 2019-2020)

Compendium of Indian Accounting Standards (Year 2018-2019)

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