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Council Affairs/M-626/2013 26th September, 2013

Dear Sir,

Sub: Constitution of Group consequent to the decision taken by the Council at its 327th meeting held on 23rd and 24th September, 2013 at New Delhi

The Council at its 327th meeting held on 23rd and 24th September, 2013, while considering an issue raised by CA. G. Sekar under Item No.2, `Matters of General Interest to the Profession’, decided to constitute a Group with the following composition to (1) go through the Chartered Accountants Regulations and identify the provisions that need amendments and (2) look into the e-mail dated 28th May, 2013 received from CA. M. Devaraja Reddy regarding amendment(s) needed in the Chartered Accountants Regulations in relation to the three consecutive term restriction on the continuance as member of the Regional Council vis-à-vis corresponding applicable rules pertaining to Central Council elections:-

  • CA. Manoj Fadnis (Convenor)
  • CA. Rajkumar S. Adukia
  • CA. Tarun Jamnadas Ghia
  • CA. J. Venkateswarlu
  • CA. G. Sekar
  • CA. Sanjay Agarwal
  • CA. Sanjiv Kumar Chaudhary
Accordingly, the Group has been constituted.

Shri N.P. Singh, Sr. Joint Secretary would act as Secretary to the aforesaid Group. In accordance with the decision of the Council, the said Group is required to submit its report to the President within 15 days.

Yours faithfully,
( T. Karthikeyan )

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