ICAI Press Release

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) today announced the results of Final Examination (Old Course & New Course) held in November, 2019.

Since December 1949, the Chartered Accountancy Examination is held twice in a year in the months of May and November.

Chartered Accountants Final Examination (Old Syllabus) held in Nov., 2019

I. Details of top three rank holders on All India Basis for Chartered Accountants Final Examination (Old Course) held in November, 2019 are mentioned below:

  All India Topper First Rank All India Second Rank All India Third Rank
Name Gurram Naga Sri Krishna Praneeth Varada K P Dhawal Kapoorchand Chopda
City Vijayawada Mannarkkad Mumbai
Roll No. 367788 353715 362019
Marks 577/800 548/800 531/800
Percentage % 72.13% 68.50 66.38
Phone 9246491330 9562234592 9167309473

The above details are also attached at Annexure-A.

II. The result analysis of the Chartered Accountants Final Examination (Old Syllabus) in terms of number of candidates appeared, number of candidates passed and the pass percentage is mentioned in the attachment at Annexure-B.

III. For your reference, placed below is the data for Chartered Accountants Final Examination held in November, 2019.

  • No. of Students admitted in the Final Exam (Old Course) – 72, 921
  • No. of Final Exam Centers across the globe - 333
Chartered Accountants Final Examination (New Syllabus) held in Nov. 2019

I. Details of top three rank holders on All India Basis for Chartered Accountants Final Examination (New Syllabus) held in November, 2019 are mentioned below:

  All India Topper First Rank All India Topper First Rank All India Second Rank All India Third Rank
Name Abhay Bajoria Suryansh Agarwal Dhruv Kothari Darshan Mukeshkumar Shah
City Kolkata Noida Kolkata Ahmedabad
Roll No. 425315 432947 424840 401346
Marks 603/800 603/800 577/800 575/800
Percentage % 75.38 75.38 72.13 71.88
Phone 7003082732 7838252476 8981155590 8238343871

The above details are also attached at Annexure-C.

II. The result analysis of the Chartered Accountants Final Examination (New Syllabus) in terms of number of candidates appeared, number of candidates passed and the pass percentage is mentioned in the attachment at Annexure-D.

For your reference, placed below is the data for Chartered Accountants Final Examination (New Syllabus) held in November, 2019.

  • No. of Students admitted in the Final Exam (New Syllabus) - 43, 717
  • No. of Final Exam Centers across the globe - 326

The result analysis of Chartered Accountants Final Examination have been hosted on the website: icaiexam.icai.org, caresults.icai.org, icai.nic.in

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