Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs) – Mobile App "ICAI-BOS"

Q.1: How can I download ICAI-BOS Mobile App?
Ans: Students can download Android and iOS version of this mobile app from Google and Apple Play Store respectively.

Q.2: While trying to login in the ICAI-BOS Mobile App, it is showing data which is not matching. How can I login?
Ans: Students have to fill their correct – Student Registration Number and the Date of Birth as recorded in the Students Service Portal (SSP) so that validation can be done and, thereafter, student will be allowed to enter in the mobile app.

Q.3: While doing login whether I have to mention 6 digits or 7 digits registration number.
Ans: After selection of NRO/SRO/ERO/WRO/CRO from the drop down, students have to fill his/her 7-digit Student Registration Number starting with zero (0).

Q.4: What is FRO, mentioned in the drop down against Registration Number?
Ans: The abbreviation of FRO is Foreign Regional Office. Like NRO/SRO/ERO etc., for foreign students, it is prefixed with their student’s registration number.

Q.5: I am Direct Entry Student and having Provisional registration. How can I login as I do not have student registration number.
Ans: Such students have to wait for few days till the time their registration is confirmed and thereafter login in mobile app. Till that time, student can view the lectures from YouTube platform at

Q.6:Do we have to wait for the confirmation after course conversion or revalidation for login in mobile app?
Ans: No. students can login with their Student Registration Number and Date of Birth as recorded in the SSP portal.

Q.7: In spite of filling my details correctly, I am unable to Login. How I can proceed ahead?
Ans: Try one more time and, if not able to do, send your complaint at only.

Q.8: I am Intermediate student and after login I have noticed that I cannot see any other contents relating to Foundation or Final Course. Whether Intermediate students can view other course contents.
Ans:This “ICAI-BOS” is course specific mobile app. In other words, Foundation course students can only view the lectures, recorded lectures, educational contents, mock test, etc. of Foundation Course only. Likewise – Intermediate students can view Intermediate related material and Final Course students can only see Final course related lectures, contents, etc.

Q.9:How can I download Faculty Notes and Assignments as the files are not downloading in my mobile. What should I do?
Ans: You are required to login mobile app and go to Live Coaching Classes icon and thereat you can see the options of “Download Notes” and “Download Assignment”. After clicking on particular notes or assignment, the same will be opened in your mobile.

Alternatively, you can login at and go to download Note and Assignment Option. This URL also can be accessible in your Laptop / Desktop as well as Mobile.

Q.10: After attempting online MCQs assignments how can I clarify my doubts?
Ans: Faculty through admin portal will assess students conceptual understanding from the results of MCQ based test on any topic and in next class first remove their doubts and then teach next topic.

Q.11: When Live Classes Schedule of next month will be updated in the Mobile App?
Ans: Board of Studies (A) is updating schedule every month in advance, and you will get notification for the same through mobile App.

Q.12: While attending the Live Classes how can I clarify my doubts?
Ans:Student may ask their queries through chat box in live session only. Faculty will answer their queries during the session itself. Moreover, Faculty will assess students conceptual understanding from the MCQ based test on the topic and in the next class will remove their doubts first and then teach next topic. Students are, therefore, advised to attempt MCQ test within 24 hours of the same getting hosted.

Q.13: What should I do as while attending the Live Classes, my mobile screen is not changing into Portrait or Landscape?
Ans:You are required to set your Mobile Phone Auto rotate setting.

Q.14: How can I view the last batch Foundation/Intermediate/Final course lectures of Live Classes?
Ans: For viewing the previous batch lectures of Foundation/Intermediate/Final Course student has to visit at BoS Knowledge Portal at

Q.15: How can I access e-books in mobile app?
Ans: For accessing e-books students have to again login as per their registration details as recorded in the Student Service Portal (SSP)

Q.16: How can I register in Practical Training Assessment through Mobile App?
Ans: For registering in Practical Training Assessment Test students have to again login as per their registration details as recorded in the Student Service Portal (SSP)

Q.17: Whether we have to again login for accessing other students' portal in mobile app?
For visiting e-books and Practical Training Assessment Portal, students are required, as of now, to again login as per their registration details as recorded in the Student Service Portal (SSP). Further, the work is in progress and in 2nd phase students will be enabled to access all students service portals through single login.

Q.18: What are Upcoming Feeds/ Videos / Tips Icon in Mobile App?
Ans:This is a feature in the Mobile App which will contain interesting, motivating, inspirational and informative learning videos and tips for our students.

Q.19: What I do if old contents of study material is appearing in mobile App?
Ans:Before complaining to helpdesk, please Logging out and then Login / may download latest version of Mobile App from Google Play Store / Apple Play store, the contents will be updated.

Q.20: To whom I can send my complaint on any issue relating to Mobile App?
Ans:Students are advised before sending his/her complaint, please first read out FAQs and then send the complaint, if required at

Last updated on 28th February, 2025

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