Final Course under New Syllabus
November 22, 2006
It has been decided to introduce Final Course under the new syllabus on and from January, 15 2007. Students of Professional Education (Course –II) who will pass in the November, 2006 examination may opt for joining concurrently the Final (New) Course and 3 years of practical training. Such students will be eligible to appear in the Final Examination under the new syllabus pending last 6 months of articled training on or before the last day of the month preceding the month in which the examination is held under Regulation 29B of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 2006.
It is to mention that students of Professional Education (Course-II) who will pass in the November, 2006 examination may also join concurrently Final course under the old syllabus as well as 3 years of articled training. By virtue of Regulation 29A of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 2006 such students will be eligible to appear in the Final Examination pending last 12 months of articled training on or before the last day of the month preceding the month in which the examination is held.
Reproduced below is the relevant extract of the Implementation schedule notified as per announcement Bos/Announcement/14/2006 date October 23, 2006.
Last Final Examination ( Old) to be held on  November, 2009
First Final Examination ( New) to be held on  November, 2008
Students, who are undergoing articled training and Final course under the old syllabus, may also switch over to final course under the new syllabus. For such students, Regulation 29B of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 2006 will be applicable, i.e., they will be eligible to appear in the Final Examination under the new syllabus pending last 6 months of articled training on or before the last day of the month preceding the month in which the examination is held.
  Eligibility to appear in
Category of students Final Examination under the old syllabus Final Examination under the new syllabus
Students of Professional Education ( Course –II) who will pass in the November, 2006 examination if opt for concurrently joining the Final ( New ) Course and 3 years of practical training (assuming that such students will join articleship training on or before April 30, 2007) May 2009
(They will get one more chance for appearing in Final Examination under the old syllabus in November 2009
November 2009
Existing students of Final course if opt for switching over to the Final ( New ) Course (assuming that such students will complete 30 months of articleship training on or before October 30, 2008)   November 2008
Director of Studies

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