List of Practice Units selected for Peer Review under Stage III (Phase I)

Stage III of the Peer Review Process was to be implemented w.e.f. 1st April, 2005. Database of Practice Units (PUs) has been developed by means of collecting data available with the Institute.

With a view to ensure objectivity in selection of Practice Units, the enclosed list of PUs has been selected through computerised random sample basis, based on globally acceptable software developed for this purpose. As a result of the computerised random selection, 2697 PUs which fall under Stage III of Peer Review have been selected for undergoing the Peer Review.

S. No. Region No.of PUs PUs selected for Peer Review
1 Central 4554 554
2 Eastern 2958 61
3 Northern 7380 920
4 Southern 6555 845
5 Western 16914 317
  Total 38361 2697

List of Practice Units selected for Peer Review under Stage III (Phase I)

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