New Publication – Compendium of Guidance Notes –Accounting (As on July 1, 2006) with CD
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has in recent years issued several Guidance Notes on accounting aspects thereby promptly responding to the need for accounting guidance on contemporary issues, which arise due to amendments in laws and other developments related to economic reforms in the country. The developments in areas of equity index and equity stock futures and options, employee share based payments (popularly known as ESOPs), Value Added Tax (VAT), Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT), Minimum Alternative Tax (MAT) and real-estate, paved the way for seven new Guidance Notes on the respective issues/areas.
With a view to facilitate reference to all the Guidance Notes at one place, the Institute from time to time brings out a Compendium of Guidance Notes on accounting aspects. This updated edition of the ‘Compendium of Guidance Notes – Accounting’ contains all the guidance notes on accounting aspects issued till July 1, 2006 and in force as on that date, including two Guidance Notes that are under revision but are relevant in the light of the basic principles governing the accounting treatment of specific aspects. Thus, on the whole the updated edition of the Compendium contains twenty-five Guidance Notes on accounting aspects. The Compendium is accompanied by a CD containing its electronic copy. The CD has been prepared in a user-friendly module with search-function for easy referencing.
Price Rs. 350/- (CD included)
Postal Charges Rs. 35/- (plus Rs. 17/-, if required by registered parcel)
Available at Sale counters of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India at New Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata and Kanpur

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