Norms for CPE Study Groups (as amended in August 2006)

Norms for Formation of CPE Study Groups for limited purpose of participating in the CPE Teleconferences at places where CPE Study Circles or CPE Chapters cannot be formed
  • The members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (hereinafter referred to as Institute) residing/ working in a particular geographical area may form CPE Study Groups with the approval of the Continuing Professional Education Committee (CPEC).
  • Seven or more members of the Institute from a particular geographical area of the city/town from where there is no CPE Programme Organising Unit is situated may apply, in the approved format of application given as Appendix to this norms.
  • There should not be any other CPE Programme Organising Unit within the radius of 50 kilometers from the place at which the CPE Study Group is being proposed to be formed.
  • The application shall be made to the Continuing Professional Education Committee through the Concerned Regional Council under whose geographical jurisdiction the city (in which the CPE Study Group that is being proposed to be formed) falls. Advance copy of the Application may be sent to the Continuing Professional Education Committee.
  • The Study Group so formed shall be called ________________________ (name of the City) CPE Study Group of ________________________________________ (Concerned Regional Council).
  • Study Groups so constituted shall work under the guidance, supervision and control of the concerned Regional Council. The responsibility for monitoring the participation by the CPE Study Group in the CPE teleconferencing and issue of CPE Certificates is with the concerned Regional Council under whose guidance, supervision and control, the proposed CPE Study Group will function.
  • CPE Study Groups shall not use the logo of the Institute on their letterhead or on any other communication.
  • CPE Study Groups would be required to elect every year a Convenor to look after the day-to-day affairs/activities of the CPE Study Groups who would also be responsible for maintaining the accounts of the CPE Study Group.
  • The Study Groups are not eligible for any Grant or Financial assistance from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
  • The Convenors shall be responsible for coordinating the CPE Teleconferences.
  • The address for communication of the Study Group will be that of the Convenor.
  • Study Groups shall not acquire any capital asset of their own.
  • Convenors of a Study Group are authorized to collect the CPE Teleconferencing participation fees from the members to defray the cost of holding CPE teleconferences and other incidental charges.
  • The Convenors shall send the report of CPE Teleconferences to the concerned Regional Council within ten days of such CPE Teleconferences to enable them to issue the CPE participation certificates.
  • A member of a Study Group must be a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
  • The Study Group shall not have their own rules and bye-laws registered under any other Act or Rules/Regulations.
  • Members of the Study Groups will be eligible to get CPE Credit hours that would be announced by the CPE Committee for each CPE Teleconference.
  • The Convenor is required to upload the attendance of teleconferencing programme on the CPE Portal within 10 days
  • If any Study Group is found to be working against the interest/policies of the Institute or its guidelines, the Study Group shall be de-recognized. The authority to de-recognize the Study Group, on the above grounds vests with the CPEC in consultation with the Chairman of concerned Regional Council.
  • The responsibility for ensuring financial propriety in the financial management of the Study Group and all other matters shall be that of the Convenor.
  • There should be no restrictions whatsoever placed by the Study Group on any members of the Institute wishing to become a member of the particular Study Group.
  • In the event of lack of clarity in any matter in the formation of Study Group or their administration, application should be made to the CPEC, which is entrusted with the responsibility for providing such clarification.
* As amended in August 2006
Format of Application for seeking approval of the CPE Committee for forming a CPE Study Group

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