- To recommend to the Council the broad policies governing education, practical training, industrial training, of the students undergoing the Chartered Accountancy Course.
- To provide high quality education to students of Chartered Accountancy Course:
- by making available regularly updated educational publications like Study Material, Case Studies, Booklet on Case Scenarios, Revision Test Papers, Mock Test Papers, Saransh – Last Mile Referencer, etc.
- by imparting education through live Virtual Classes, Oral Coaching via accredited institutions, Regional Councils and Branches as well as through webinars, recorded lectures and e-books and experiential learning via Self-Paced Modules.
- To continuously review the Study Material for qualitative upgradation.
- To provide Suggested Answers to the Question Papers of the respective examinations conducted for the CA Students and to interact with the relevant Department/Committee(s) for the same.
- To provide and monitor high quality practical education to students of Chartered Accountancy Course by making use of available recourses for benefit of the students.
- To publish regularly students’ journal for the benefit of Chartered Accountancy students.
- To organize directly as well as indirectly various educational activities and mentoring programmes for the benefit of our students including the induction programmes for CA Students to address their academic, administrative and technical concerns.
- To contribute to the Council’s periodical exercise of Review of the scheme of Education and Training including related amendments in CA Act/Regulations considering the key recommendations of the education policies of the Government, the requirements under the International Education Standards of IFAC and the international good practices for incorporation in the scheme of education and training of the CA course.
- To interact with other institutions of higher learning within and outside the country and professional accounting bodies of the world and exchange useful information.
- To interact with UGC / AIU for equivalence of CA Course.
- To interact with Institutions / Universities for pursuing Ph.D. by the Members of the ICAI and Endowment purposes.
- To conduct Commerce Summit along with UGC/AIU for Vice-Chancellors’ of various universities all over India.
- To promote Commerce Education across the Country by assisting UGC in preparing curriculum for B.Com and BBA course.
- To promote Commerce Education across the country at schools level as a knowledge partner, and interact with Secondary and Higher Education Board, State Level Board, CBSE, etc.
- To foster research by partnering with Universities of national and international repute enabling members to pursue academic and analytical research leading to Ph.D.
- To provide comprehensive support to SAFA member organisations in strengthening the education, training and continuous professional development of their students and members, with a primary focus on enhancing technical and soft skills to excel in professional life.
- To enhance the knowledge and expertise of the BoS(A) Faculty through participation in Technical Committee Meetings conducted by the ICAI and seminars/conferences/ workshops/programs conducted by the ICAI or any outside reputed bodies.
- To interact with various subject experts for seeking their feedback and inputs on the BoS(A) publications.
- To consider such other matters as the Council or the President may consider appropriate.