Dear Professional Colleagues, |
Prudent corporate governance practices are always the backbone of development and progress of economic ecosystem of any country. After globalisation and liberalisation were introduced to the largest democracy of the world, international businesses looked at India with a new perspective and exploited untapped and immense potential of Indian markets. Changing ownership structures, wide base of shareholders and greater expectations of society further heightened the need of good governance and enhanced the role of accounting profession. A couple of financial irregularities, led the policy makers to rethink their strategies, strengthen regulatory environment by aligning with international developments and bring changes in the system of corporate governance for better. In a major overhaul, SEBI introduced clause 49 of the listing agreement that brought several governance shifts in a company’s functioning. Under the overall guidance of Ministry of Corporate Affairs, mandatory and voluntary codes were introduced, to be followed by companies, that are related to board of directors, audit committees, whistleblower policies and disclosures on related party transactions. The businesses are part of society and need to work for the society. The Companies Act, 2013 brought several exemplary changes in the direction of good corporate governance in the country. The Companies Act, 2013 casts fiduciary duties on the Directors of a Company to promote the objects of the company for the benefit of its members as a whole, and in the best interests of the company, its employees, the shareholders, the community and for the protection of environment. |
![]() CA. Atul Kumar Gupta President, ICAI |
With principled purpose, keen-eyed allround observation and implementation of a host of decisions, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India always work towards indispensable and integral elements of responsible corporate governance in the country with the encouraging accounting profession. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, consistently endeavoured to uphold the values of uncompromisable honesty and credible transparency in order to propagate ethical corporate governance in all forms and facets. ICAI firmly believes that authority is a concept not centric to absolute power but strongly intrinsic of constructive influence. Submitting to regulations and abiding by code of conduct without deceit, deception or duplicity ensures consistent strides on the path of inevitable success. Proper corporate governance guarantees individualistic and societal prosperity by circumventing losses and evading financial debacles. |
Governance with Sustainable Development |
It is beyond an iota of doubt that the corporate reporting needs to capture all relevant information about organisations – what are they doing, how are they performing, and what values additions they have made. While good financial reporting is already being done through established systems, the investors, society and government today aspire much more. Various stakeholders are looking for deeper insights about the performance, risks, longterm prospects and report on creation of sustainable values that conventional financial reporting processes are not expected to deliver. |
I urge our members to keenly encourage the business community to follow these principles and work towards improving sustainability. Looking into the requirements, the ICAI also established Sustainability Reporting Standards Board this year to have a focussed framework. ICAI consistently attempts to release high quality standards and cultivate integrity and ethical conduct among all stakeholders. ICAI endeavours to stay up-todate with the ever-altering world we live in and ensure the accountancy profession never ceases to grow, evolve and deliver for overall good. ICAI has always encouraged its members to stay in sync with the dynamic world around us and periodically replenish their wells of knowledge in order to derive perennial success and push for greater progress. |
Setting Global Footprints |
The Institute envisions an intricately fraternised world linked together by the common object of global economic development via alliance of formerly isolated skills and collaboration of independent resources for an interdependent cause. After all, Martin Luther King Jr had once said “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” By conglomerating assorted strengths across the world, we can harness a universal invincible power that holds the potential to usher in a new era of global success. ICAI has over the years pioneered innumerable steps to unify efforts internationally towards the building of one global village. As a founder member of International Federation of Accountants and other key global and regional organisations, ICAI has been consistently working to shape the profession at global level by participating in their key activities. ICAI also enters into Mutual Recognition Agreements or have Memorandum of Understanding with the foreign Institutes to facilitate development of accounting profession. It is heartening that Union Cabinet has given its approval for two new agreements with foreign accounting bodies. |
We Care – A Unique Social Security Scheme |
The raging pandemic is unprecedented to our generation severely affecting the physical movement and many activities. With our constant endeavours, we are able to reach and connect with the different segments of our membership be it in practice, industry, public service, entrepreneurship or women. In this direction, one of our important segments is Senior CAs (75 years and above) having different stature, requirements or expectations. With a view to support this valuable segment of our fraternity, we have recently launched a scheme “We Care – A Unique Social Security Scheme and Benevolence Program for Senior CAs” which endeavours for providing continuous engagement, care and support of the Profession to them creating a sense of belongingness. The Scheme was launched at the august presence of Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal, Hon’ble Minister of State in the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, and Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises who highly appreciated this initiative and mentioned that it is the need of the society. |
New Portal for CABF |
ICAI constantly endeavours to use more and more technology to provide ease of service delivery experience to our stakeholders. Chartered Accountants Benevolent Fund (CABF) is one of the important initiatives of the ICAI providing support to the members/family in the time of need. With the launch of the CA Benevolent Fund Portal ( recently the process has been fully automated for providing financial assistance under CABF with provision to upload all relevant supporting documents. Further, portal will also enable online payment of contribution and autogeneration of receipt. I am sure with this technology platform, we will be able to provide support to our fraternity in a more prompt and transparent manner. |
Waiver of Condonation/Late fee |
I further wish to inform that considering the hardship faced by the students, article assistants, members and firms due to COVID-19 pandemic, we have further extended the waiving-off of the condonation fee for late filing of various application forms relating to students, articled assistants, members and firms till December 31, 2020. |
Working for the Well-being of the Students |
The Institute implemented a new scheme of education and training from 1st July, 2017. In the scheme, a student who has appeared for class XII examination may register for the Foundation Course after passing class XII examinations and after completing a minimum of four months study period, student may appear for the Foundation Examination. It was observed that a student who is typically appearing in class XII examination in the month of March and getting his results in the month of May, loses out one academic session if he decides to join CA course. This was a crucial loss to the students aspiring to join CA course at an early age. With the prime objective to develop the requisite skill sets for budding Chartered Accountants and enrichment of their professional skills, and also to mitigate above hardship it was proposed to allow provisional registration to the students in advance and start preparing for the Foundation Course. It is heartening that the Competent Authority has conveyed its approval on the ICAI proposal for amending the Regulations 25E, 25F & 28F of Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 which now enables candidate to provisionally register in the Foundation Course of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) after passing Class X examinations. Accordingly, a student has to register with the Board of Studies of the Institute on or before 1st day of January or 1st day of July for the examination to be held in the months of May/ June or November/December, respectively. This will help the students to prepare for Foundation course while pursuing Class XI & XII, and thus students would have ample time to update their knowledge and acquire requisite techniques to appear and pass CA Foundation. |
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An integral constituent of growth and development of mankind is the progress in the trade and commerce. Mankind has come far and away from the yesteryears to move ahead in the times witnessing changes unimaginable. From barter to cashless – changes are many and in last couple of decades their intensity and swiftness has only increased exponentially with no stoppage, and who would want growth and development to stop. The presence and growth of business are themselves strong justifications of the importance of economic activity. The nations and society never lose their focus on the business and economic growth, come what may. Even in these challenging times, in the midst of social distancing, nations across the globe have kept the economic matters at equitable footing, when considering matters related to health and well being of their people. For challenges of today cannot be allowed to stifle and jeopardise our tomorrow. |
CA. Atul Kumar Gupta President, ICAI New Delhi, 1st November, 2020 |
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