Dear Professional Colleagues, |
Our Institute since its very inception, has been immensely passionate about its purpose to propagate progress and has persistently recognised the developments happening around and pursued contemporary reformation and dynamic improvement. It assiduously aspires to attain the absolute best for all its members and is diligently dedicated to their constant improvement and growth. As opposed to being a silent bystander to change, ICAI stands tall as a facilitator and crusader of affirmative action and thereby letting consequent growth and development flow. |
![]() CA. Atul Kumar Gupta President, ICAI |
The Indian Accountancy Profession has always provided thought leadership to the generations and in a proactive and progressive manner recognised the technological evolution very early. More than five decades back the then ICAI President and past Governor of Madhya Pradesh CA. Rameshwar Thakur noted technological development and said, in the year 1967 - “A great change the Accounting profession in India has to reckon with is the advent of computer age at the international level. Some of the industrial units even in our country have started utilising the services of these devices. The electronic data processing system has almost revolutionised the traditional accounting and auditing functions. The change being swift, has caused a sense of alarm and it is realised that unless the present day and future Accountants get themselves equipped with the knowledge of working of the computers, they would be relegated to the background. As such we have to provide necessary facilities to our members to enable them to meet the new requirements.” |
Era of Disruption - Technology Empowered Professional Accountant |
It is beyond any doubt that technological skills are required by professional accountants in view of its all pervasive impact. A couple of decades back when computers and electronic data processing were making inroads in the business, many were sceptical about their use and potential. At that time nobody could have imagined modern day concepts, tools and technologies. Things have largely changed today as technology has replaced many complex manual processes in life and business. Robots have made inroads and their use is not restricted to manufacturing sector, but has become integral part of many non-manufacturing processes. It is unbelievable that robotics is making great inroads in medical and legal professions. These developments may render many skills possessed by professional accountants as obsolete. With rapid changes, it is very difficult to predict how future will shape-up, but it is certain that accountants need to equip themselves in the newer skills to remain relevant and useful in future. Importantly, professional accountants need to acquire knowledge and skills in the following areas:
New Age Accounting Profession |
In last couple of decades the fast paced economic reforms coupled with technological advancement created a need for unswerving staunch accountants who are committed to the profession, industry, society and the economy. The present challenging times have further strengthened well established position of Chartered Accountants as harbinger of change. With their deep understanding of complex and intriguing financial concepts, proximity to the businesses of all kinds and sizes, the professional accountants can and should play instrumental role in making India truly Aatmanirbhar.
Assessment / Refresher Course Scheme for the students who have not taken membership or not restored their membership even after lapse for three consecutive years |
The Council at its 392nd meeting held on 22nd April, 2020 approved the proposal for introducing an Assessment/Refresher Course Scheme for the students who have not taken membership of the Institute for more than 3 years after qualifying the Final Examination as well as for ex-members who have not applied for restoration of membership for more than three years after removal of name due to non-payment of Membership fee or any other reason. Based on the decision of the Council, the draft amendments in the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 were submitted to the Central Government for its consideration and approval. The Central Government has accorded its in-principle approval to the proposed amendments and has asked the Institute to notify them in the Gazette of India for public comments and re-submit the proposal for final approval of the Ministry after considering the comments received by the Council of the Institute. A copy of the Gazette Notification has been hosted on the website of the Institute at resource/61210gazette-notification-dated14092020. pdf. A copy of notification and the explanatory note is also included in this journal. While there is still time in the final changes in the regulations and their implementation, it is suggested that the members/ students who have cleared their final examination may restore/take membership of the Institute at the earliest. |
Submission Date for Online MEF Form for the year 2020-21 Approaching |
Members may note that the last date for submission of online MEF form and declaration for the year 2020-21 is 12th October, 2020. Through MEF form, ICAI collects and distribute members’ data to exploit potential opportunities and facilitate new avenues of professional development and growth. The information collected through MEF form is put forward at appropriate fora for various professional opportunities. These opportunities are not limited to Bank Audit but to tap other important opportunities as well, ICAI is collecting diverse but pertinent information from its members. In the MEF certain new fields have been added to capture varied experience of the members in different fields like Internal Audit, Indirect Tax, Forensic, International experience etc. The MEF application for the year 2020-2021 is hosted on |
Constructive and Positive Encouragement for a Better Future |
“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.” – said Mahatma Gandhi. Constructive and Positive encouragement can solidify one’s resolve. The progress necessitates the grace to accept criticism and the will to channelise it towards its alleviation via consistent improvement. The society is divided into different segments with diverse opinion and dissimilar perspectives about the various policies, processes or systems. Today, we are seeing an unwanted trend of making unverified and hasty comments on the Social Media criticising actions of Government, policy makers, regulators and of anybody and everybody. While critical review and comments keep the true essence of democracy alive, continuous criticism is the breeding ground for negativity that obstructs solution-oriented action. As a member of this esteemed Institute, you can bring the general positivity in the society by having positive approach. Remember, with the recognition we enjoy in the society, we are the key opinion makers. Our Government is taking several initiatives in these challenging times that need encouragement and support of the accounting profession. We should also encourage students to use the social media in an effective and positive manner. We should use our position to bring positivity in the society while restraining from criticising concepts and deeds without being aware of the problems and circumstances. |
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The unprecedented human tragedy has had a severely adverse impact on the global economy as a whole, giving numerable reasons for the corporate world to panic as the business behemoths, giants, medium and small businesses are equally grappling with the unforseen challenges. The pace of recovery is expected to be a long and painful as business organisations struggle with the upheaval brought by the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the chaos around Covid-19, impetus to MSME sector has emerged as a critical tool by the policy makers for both living and working. With swathes of opportunities, the accounting profession should focus on innovation on a humongous scale to leapfrog into the post Coronavirus economy. With disruption in the global supply chain, there is a silver lining for India; and it should grab the opportunity both in letter and spirit. |
CA. Atul Kumar Gupta President, ICAI New Delhi, 30th September, 2020 |
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