January 10, 2014

The Northern Region of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India organized Convocation on January 10, 2014 at Yamuna Sports Complex, New Delhi. Rank Certificates to the meritorious Chartered Accountants & Membership Certificates to newly enrolled Chartered Accountants were awarded by CA. Subodh Kumar Agrawal, President, ICAI during the Convocation Ceremony.

President, ICAI while addressing the members said “I extend my best wishes to the new entrants to the profession as well as rank holders and congratulate all of them on becoming a successful CA professional.” He further added “The secret of your success in life lies within each and every one of you. It is your effort, your determination to succeed, your consistent hard work that will propel you to greater heights.”

President, ICAI reiterated “Over the years, the role of ICAI has evolved and expanded to meet changing needs and new challenges. Today ICAI has grown manifold and has created a vast pool of Chartered Accountants, essential for practically every sphere of the country’s economy, industry, business and good governance.” President, ICAI also encouraged the members to have a focused vision and chalk out their career path accordingly.

CA.K.Raghu, Vice-President, ICAI said “Chartered Accountancy has emerged as a globally acclaimed profession capable of offering new vistas to young talent, a new vision to build a career. The achievements and success of our members bear testimony to the high standards of excellence at ICAI. You are armed with a truly excellent education, which will not only enable you to succeed in life but will also help you to contribute towards the growth of the society and nation.”

He further added “Education creates responsibility to build a future that posterity can be proud of and to bring about progress. On this convocation day, I wish all the young Chartered Accountants the very best in life and a wonderful future with achievements.”

CA.Vijay Garg, Chairman, Board of Studies also congratulated the newly enrolled Chartered Accountants and encouraged them to work hard.

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