Query No. 1 Accounting for subsidy receivable under Ind AS framework.
Query No. 2 Accounting treatment of cost of land acquired and cost incurred on construction of staff quarters of polytechnic college under Ind AS framework.
Query No. 3 Accounting treatment under Ind AS framework of:
(i) Grant in lieu of Equity received from promoters of the Company for construction of the project;
(ii) Grant for technical assistance; and
(iii) Interest free Subordinate Debts received from the Government.
Query No. 4 Capitalisation of ATS Charges due on Intangible Asset under development (ERP).
Query No. 5 Accounting treatment of unamortised portion of grant from government/ government agencies under Ind AS framework.
Query No. 6 Accounting for interest-free subordinate debts under Ind AS framework.
Query No. 7 Accounting Treatment of Shareholder’s Loan provided to Joint Venture Company under Ind AS framework.
Query No. 8 Classification of the Project as Inventory or Investment Property under Ind AS framework.
Query No. 9 Consolidation of the financial statements of a Section 8 Company with the Sponsor Company.
Query No. 10 Accounting for transition in the project upon transfer of rights and obligations of the erstwhile consortium to a new company by way of Government Decree.
Query No. 11 Classification and Presentation of accrued wages and salaries to employees under Trade Payables or Provisions (Current).
Query No. 12 Recognition of revenue from installation and maintenance services.
Query No. 13 Classification of ‘Provision for doubtful debts no longer required written back’ as ‘Other Income’ or ‘Other Operating Revenue’.

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