Query No. 1 |
Accounting for subsidy receivable under Ind AS framework. |
Query No. 2 |
Accounting treatment of cost of land acquired and cost incurred on construction of staff quarters of polytechnic college under Ind AS framework. |
Query No. 3 |
Accounting treatment under Ind AS framework of: (i) Grant in lieu of Equity received from promoters of the Company for construction of the project; (ii) Grant for technical assistance; and (iii) Interest free Subordinate Debts received from the Government. |
Query No. 4 |
Capitalisation of ATS Charges due on Intangible Asset under development (ERP). |
Query No. 5 |
Accounting treatment of unamortised portion of grant from government/ government agencies under Ind AS framework. |
Query No. 6 |
Accounting for interest-free subordinate debts under Ind AS framework. |
Query No. 7 |
Accounting Treatment of Shareholder’s Loan provided to Joint Venture Company under Ind AS framework. |
Query No. 8 |
Classification of the Project as Inventory or Investment Property under Ind AS framework. |
Query No. 9 |
Consolidation of the financial statements of a Section 8 Company with the Sponsor Company. |
Query No. 10 |
Accounting for transition in the project upon transfer of rights and obligations of the erstwhile consortium to a new company by way of Government Decree. |
Query No. 11 |
Classification and Presentation of accrued wages and salaries to employees under Trade Payables or Provisions (Current). |
Query No. 12 |
Recognition of revenue from installation and maintenance services. |
Query No. 13 |
Classification of ‘Provision for doubtful debts no longer required written back’ as ‘Other Income’ or ‘Other Operating Revenue’. |