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Invitation to Experts in the areas of Insurance and Pensions
In order to equip its members in the emerging areas, the Committee on Insurance & Pension of the Institute has been conducting the Post Qualification Course on Insurance and Risk Management. The Committee has also been publishing books related to insurance and pension areas for the benefit of the members of ICAI and others concerned. The Committee on Insurance invites Resource Persons for preparing basic drafts of the following publications:
Sl.No. Topic
1. Insurance Industry � A Rising Era of Professional Opportunities Covering Chartered Accountants Role as an Advisor in General Insurance and Life Insurance
2. Urban Insurance Issues
3. Information Technology in Insurance Business
4. Management Audit of Insurance Companies
5. Total Quality Management (TQM) in Insurance Industry
6. Issues and Perspectives on Bank Assurance [covering basics, accounting, auditing and other compliance issues]
7. Third Party Assurance Services
8. Financial Risk Management
9. Exchange Control in Insurance Business
10. Agriculture Insurance
11. Detection and Prevention of Insurance Fraud
12. Terrorism Risk Insurance
13. Reinsurance [covering Reinsurance Market, Special Areas of Reinsurance, Inward Reinsurance, Reinsurance Practice and Reinsurance Administration]
14. BPO in Insurance Business
15. Assets Liability Management in Insurance Business
16. Information Technology and Life Insurance Business
17. Insurance Arbitration
18. Taxation Issues in Insurance Companies
19. Third Party Claims Management
20. Insurance Manual for Enterprises
21. Valuation of Insurance Companies
Preference would be given to Professionals who are associated with the Insurance Sector or Senior personnel retired from Insurance Companies. Persons who are willing to be associated with the Institute in this regard may contact the undersigned at insurance[at]icai[dot]org for further details. Suitable Honorarium/Consultancy Fee depending upon nature of work will be paid.
CA. Pankaj Jain
Chairman, Committee on Insurance & Pension

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