- Important Announcement - Foundation Exam, June 2021 - (05-03-2021)
- Special Examination for Members of Foreign Accounting Bodies with whom the ICAI had entered into Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) / Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) - (05-03-2021)
- Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (Advanced ICITSS) -Adv. Information Technology Test on 27th March 2021 - (05-03-2021)
- Relaxation in the requirement to undergo 8 months Study Period to appear in November, 2021 Intermediate Examination in respect of students who had opted-out from November 2020 Examinations and opted for January 2021 examination after passing January, 2021 Foundation Examinations. - (05-03-2021)
- Announcement regarding planning of extension of few of the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 to the LLP Act, 2008 by CL&CGC ICAI - (02-03-2021)
- Announcement regarding Insertion of Rule specifying Companies that are not considered as Listed Companies by CL&CGC ICAI - (02-03-2021)
- Empanelment of Members to act as Observers at the Examination Centres for the Chartered Accountants Examinations May 2021 - (01-03-2021)
- Further extension of the last date for Waiving-off Condonation Fees due to late filing of various application Forms related to Students, Articled Assistants, amidst COVID-19 Pandemic - (28-02-2021)
- Further extension in the last date for Waiving-off Condonation fees due to late filing of various application Forms related to Students, Articled Assistants, amidst COVID-19 Pandemic - (25-02-2021)
- Educational Material on Ind AS 105, Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations - (25-02-2021)
- Important Announcement for May 2021 CA Examinations - (19-02-2021)
- Educational Material on ICAI Valuation Standard- 301- Business Valuation as brought out by VSB ICAI and ICAI RVO - (18-02-2021)
- Exposure Drafts of Amendments to Ind AS for comments - (18-02-2021)
- Exposure Draft of Regulatory Assets and Regulatory Liabilities - (16-02-2021)
- Guidance Note on Accrual Basis of Accounting - (16-02-2021)
- Guidance Note on Accounting by E-commerce Entities - (16-02-2021)
- Impact of Digital Transformation Strategies on Performance of Manufacturing Companies in India - (16-02-2021)
- Inching towards Tax Certainty: Neoteric Domestic Dispute Mechanism for Cross-Border Taxation - (16-02-2021)
- How Indian Companies can play a pivotal role in the supply chain to Australia? - (16-02-2021)
- Internal Control System in State owned Universities: A Study to Formulate Internal Control Manual - (16-02-2021)