- Group for formulating Foreign Travel Policy of the Institute - (21-02-2017)
- Increase in Entrance, Annual Membership, COP and Restoration Fee - (13-02-2017)
- Announcement of setting up of Branch of SIRC at Kadapa - (10-02-2017)
- Condonation of Breach of Regulation 65 & 78 - Non submission of Form 112 - (10-02-2017)
- Exposure Draft of the Ind AS-compliant Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013, for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) (Comments to be received by March 6, 2017) - (06-02-2017)
- Special Examinations under MRA / MOU is scheduled to be held from June 19th-23rd, 2017. - (02-02-2017)
- ICAI invites suggestions on tax proposals of Union Budget 2017-18 - (01-02-2017)
- Results of the Chartered Accountants Intermediate (Integrated Professional Competence) Examination held in November, 2016 declared. - (31-01-2017)
- Discontinuance of OMR Examination Application Forms with effect from May, 2017 Examination onwards - (27-01-2017)
- Formation of Group to suggest norms for making Co-options in non-standing Committees - (18-01-2017)
- Constiuttion of a Group for creation of Ombudsman and formulating Whistle Blower Policy - (18-01-2017)
- Exposure Draft of Recognition of Deferred Tax Assets for Unrealised Losses (Amendments in Ind AS 12, Income taxes) (January 2017). - (18-01-2017)
- Exposure Draft on Annual Improvements to IFRS® Standards 2015–2017 Cycle - (16-01-2017)
- The Rules regarding Condonation of delay in submission of Forms related to various regulations of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988. - (10-01-2017)
- Announcement of setting up of Branch of WICASA at Satara - (03-01-2017)
- Group of Digital Transformation and Process Reengineering Committee - (29-12-2016)
- Exposure draft of The Conceptual Framework for General Purpose Financial Reporting by Local Bodies along with consequential amendments in ASLB 17, ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’ - (26-12-2016)
- Extension of last date for compliance of CPE Hours requirement for the year 2016 (ending block period 2014-2016) - from 31st December 2016 to 31st January 2017. - (23-12-2016)
- ICAI Code of Conduct for elected, Co-opted and Nominated Representatives has been issued. - (22-12-2016)
- Formation of Group on Cost Optimisation in the Institute - (22-12-2016)