Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board
CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, President




  • To convey regularly to the members of the ICAI, professional knowledge, matters relating to the profession, the Institute and its activities, and matters having educational and professional value in a structured manner through the journal, The Chartered Accountant


  • To invite and publish relevant articles relevant to the profession from eminent personalities
  • To publish news/information regarding forthcoming activities/events of the Institute and its Regional Councils and their Branches
  • To update the members’ knowledge by publishing latest notifications and circulars, and amendments in the statute relevant to the profession
  • To publish technical pronouncements as released by the Council of the Institute and any other matter relevant to the profession
  • To enhance the international image of the Institute through such publications


  • CA. Charanjot Singh Nanda, Editor-in-chief
  • CA. Prasanna Kumar D, Joint Editor
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