(AAS 1) Basic Principles Governing an Audit |
(AAS 2) Objective and Scope of the Audit of Financial Statements |
(AAS 3) Documentation |
(AAS 4 Revised) The Auditor?s Responsibility to Consider Fraud and Error in an Audit of Financial Statements |
(AAS 5) Audit Evidence |
(AAS 6 Revised) Risk Assessment and Internal Control |
(AAS 7) Relying Upon the Work of an Internal Auditor |
(AAS 8) Audit Planning |
(AAS 9) Using the Work of an Expert |
(AAS 10) Using the Work of Another Auditor |
(AAS 11) Representations by Management |
(AAS 12) Responsibility of Joint Auditors |
(AAS 13) Audit Materiality |
(AAS 14) Analytical Procedures |
(AAS 15) Audit Sampling |
(AAS 16) Going Concern |
(AAS 17) Quality Control for Audit Work |
(AAS 18) Audit of Accounting Estimates |
(AAS 19 )Subsequent Events |
(AAS 20) Knowledge of the business |
(AAS 21) Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements |
(AAS 22) Initial Engagements - Opening Balances |
(AAS 23) Related Parties |
(AAS 24) Audit Consideration relating to Entities Using Service Organisations |
(AAS 25) Comparatives |
(AAS 26) Terms of Audit Engagement's |
(AAS 27)Communications of Audit Matters with those Charged with Governance |
(AAS 28) The Auditor's Report on Financial Statements |
(AAS 29)Auditing in a Computer Information Systems Environment |
(AAS 30)External Confrmation |
(AAS 31)Engagements to Compile Financial Information |
(AAS 32)Engagements to Perform Agreed Upon Procedures regarding Financial Information |
(AAS 33)Engagement to Review Financial Statements |
(AAS 34)Audit Evidence – Additional Consideration for Specific Items |
(AAS 35)The Examination of Prospective Financial Information |