- Booklet on Valuation: VCM ATQs on “Is DCF the most popular method for valuation - U/Companies Act” - Series 2 - (03-07-2021)
- Booklet on Valuation: VCM ATQs on “Is DCF the only method for valuation of shares under Income-tax Act” - Series 3 - (03-07-2021)
- Booklet on Valuation: VCM ATQs on “Minority holding valuation: often unsatisfactory?” - Series 4 - (03-07-2021)
- Booklet on Valuation: VCM ATQs on “Valuation Reports- Do's and Don'ts- To what extent are they followed” - Series 5 - (03-07-2021)
- Invitation for Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Faculty for Civil Services Training - (02-07-2021)
- Public Notice with regard to proposed transaction of purchase of immovable property in Ernakulam by ICAI - (02-07-2021)
- Further extension of the last date for Waiving-off Condonation Fees due to late filing of various application forms related to Students and Articled Assistants, amidst COVID-19 Pandemic - (02-07-2021)
- Important Announcement - Chartered Accountant Examinations - July 2021 - (01-07-2021)
- Announcement regarding further relaxation of time for filing forms related to creation or modification of charges under the Companies Act, 2013 by CL&CGC ICAI - (01-07-2021)
- Relaxation on levy of additional fees in filing of certain Forms under the Companies Act, 2013 and LLP Act, 2008 - (01-07-2021)
- Companies (Creation and Maintenance of databank of Independent Directors) Amendment Rules, 2021 - (01-07-2021)
- Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Amendment Rules, 2021 - (01-07-2021)
- ICAI Board of Studies (Academic) is announcing mobile application "ICAI BOS" on the occasion of CA Day 1st July 2021 for students of Foundation, Intermediate and Final course. - (30-06-2021)
- Last Date of updation of UDINs at e-filing Portal - (30-06-2021)
- Result of the online Examination of the Certificate Course on Forex and Treasury Management held on 12th & 13th June, 2021 - (29-06-2021)
- Result of online examination for Certificate Course on BRSR held on 19.06.2021 declared - SRSB, ICAI - (24-06-2021)
- Foundation, Intermediate (IPC), Intermediate, Final and Final-New Examination Admit Cards - (21-06-2021)
- Zone / City - shifting of candidates for MAY/JUNE - 2021 Chartered Accountant Examinations [To be held in JULY 2021] - (21-06-2021)
- Important Announcement - Chartered Accountant Examinations, May/ July 2021 - (21-06-2021)
- Information System Audit - Assessment Test (ISA - AT), July 2021 - (15-06-2021)