- Extension of Last date for Empanelment of Members to act as Observers for May / June 2019 examinations. - (28-03-2019)
- Survey for seeking preference for foreign language course from ICAI Members and Student - (22-03-2019)
- Homage to Our Brave Soldiers - (28-02-2019)
- Exposure Draft of Definition of Business (Amendments to Ind AS 103) (Comments to be received by April 6, 2019) - (27-02-2019)
- Exposure Draft of Definition of Material (Amendments to Ind AS 1 and Ind AS 8) (Comments to be received by April 6, 2019) - (27-02-2019)
- Exposure Draft of Guidance Note on Accounting of Political Parties (Comments to be received by April 6, 2019) - (27-02-2019)
- Any company incorporated on or before the 31.12.17 shall file the particulars of the company and its Registered Office, in E-Form ACTIVE on or before 25.04.19 to enable common public to be aware of KYC status of the companies and their directors. - (23-02-2019)
- Publication on Valuation: Professionals' Insight - Series 2 as brought by Valuation Standards Board, ICAI - (22-02-2019)
- Empanelment of Members to act as Observers at the Examination Centres for The Chartered Accountants Examinations May / June 2019 - (21-02-2019)
- Members can find a suitable job according to their interest on a unique Job Portal for Chartered Accountants- CA Job Portal (https://cajobs.icai.org) - (15-02-2019)
- Withdrawal of the Announcement regarding Clarification on Applicability of Rotation principles on a company as per Section 139 of the Companies Act 2013 where the company ceases to fall under the ambit of Rotation principles in subsequent years.-(15-02-2019)
- Educational Material on Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 111, Joint Arrangements - (12-02-2019)
- ICAI elects New Torchbearers for the year 2019-20 - (12-02-2019)
- Using Information Available at Information Utility (IU) Platform for External Confirmations - (11-02-2019)
- Ind AS Technical Facilitation Group (ITFG) Clarification Bulletin 18 - (08-02-2019)
- Results of the Post Qualification Course (Insurance & Risk Management, International Taxation (AT), ITL & WTO and TMC (Part-I) / MAC (Part-I)) Examinations declared. - (08-02-2019)
- Committee for Capacity Building Members in Practice (CCBMP), ICAI: Arrangement LIC Term Insurance for Members of ICAI - (08-02-2019)
- Advisory to be issued, inter alia, in the interest of members and students of ICAI - (05-02-2019)
- Exposure Draft of Accounting Standard (AS) 41, Agriculture (Comments to be received by March 3, 2019) - (01-02-2019)
- Revised Procedure for providing inspection/certified copies of evaluated answer-books to the concerned examinees - (25-01-2019)