- Regarding disclosure requirement and reporting requirement in the Auditor’s Report that the company has provided requisite disclosures in its financial statements as to holdings as well as dealings in Specified Bank Notes during the period from 8th November, 2016 to 30th December, 2016 - (01-04-2017)
- Important Announcement on Revised Effective Date of SA 701 and Revised SAs 700, 705, 706 - (01-04-2017)
- Income tax Department considers issues reported by ICAI positively - (31-03-2017)
- Reconstitution of Group for Rohini Land - (30-03-2017)
- Exposure Draft of Transfers of Investment Property, Amendments to Ind AS 40, Investment Property - (29-03-2017)
- Exposure Draft of Appendix B of Ind AS 21, Foreign Currency Transactions and Advance Consideration - (29-03-2017)
- Annual Improvements to Ind AS - Amendments in Ind AS 112 and 28 (corresponding to Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2014-2016 cycle issued by the IASB) - (29-03-2017)
- Constitution of Group for formulating the Detailed Action Plan - Ministry of Corporate Affairs - (21-03-2017)
- Reconstitution of Group for Rohini Land at Delhi - (15-03-2017)
- Invitation for contributions to Question Bank in respect of Information System Audit-(Assessment Test (ISA-AT) (New Syllabus) - (15-03-2017)
- Group to review the Terms of Reference of Infrastructure Development Committee - (14-03-2017)
- Group to review for compensation package for employees of the Institute - (03-03-2017)
- ICAI submits Post-Budget Memoranda-2017 - (27-02-2017)
- Constitution a Group for making recommendations in the matter of Election of Vice President and all allied matters including counting of votes - (22-02-2017)
- Constitution of Group to consider the entire structure to study circles, exploring ways and means to obtain independent PAN, TAN, Service Tax registration - (21-02-2017)
- Group for formulating Foreign Travel Policy of the Institute - (21-02-2017)
- Increase in Entrance, Annual Membership, COP and Restoration Fee - (13-02-2017)
- Announcement of setting up of Branch of SIRC at Kadapa - (10-02-2017)
- Condonation of Breach of Regulation 65 & 78 - Non submission of Form 112 - (10-02-2017)
- Exposure Draft of the Ind AS-compliant Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013, for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) (Comments to be received by March 6, 2017) - (06-02-2017)