- Group for suggesting ways and means to resolve Inter unit reconciliations issues including re-engineering the process/procedures, revenue sharing, between HO and branches, various grants payable and accounting entries thereof, especially in GST regime - (07-09-2017)
- CBDT has extended the due date for filing Income Tax Returns and audit reports from 30th September 2017 to 31st October 2017 - (04-09-2017)
- Exposure Draft of Revised Guidance Note on Report under Section 92E of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (Transfer Pricing) - (01-09-2017)
- Re-constitution of the the Group for taking a holistic view for all the Centre of Excellences (COE’s) - (28-08-2017)
- Empanelment of Members to act as Observers at The Examination Centres for The Chartered Accountants Examinations November / December 2017. - (10-08-2017)
- 'ICAI Awards for Excellence in Financial Reporting' - Invitation to participate in the Competition for the year 2016-17 - (05-08-2017)
- Guidance Note on Division II- Ind AS Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 - (27-07-2017)
- Exposure Draft of Ind AS 116, Leases - (18-07-2017)
- Announcement for revision in fee of Expert Advisory Committee (applicable with effect from July 1, 2017) - (06-07-2017)
- Property, Plant and Equipment - Proceeds before Intended Use (Proposed amendments to IAS 16) - (03-07-2017)
- Disclosure Initiative - Principles of Disclosure - (14-06-2017)
- Post-implementation Review - IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement - (14-06-2017)
- Volume XXXV of the Compendium of Opinions - (13-06-2017)
- Revised Scheme of Education and Training for CA Course, FAQs and Implementation Schedule - (01-06-2017)
- Bifurcation of Paper 4- Taxation of Intermediate (IPC) Examination into two sections. - (31-05-2017)
- CBDT extends the due date of furnishing the Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT) to 30.06.2017 vide order dated 31.05.2017. - (31-05-2017)
- Change of Nomenclature of the Committee from Ind AS (IFRS) Implementation Committee to Ind AS Implementation Committee - (30-05-2017)
- CBDT issues clarification on furnishing Statement of Financial Transaction (SFT) and SFT Preliminary Response - (26-05-2017)
- Important Clarification on Amendment to Paragraph 17 of Revised Guidance Note on Audit of Consolidated Financial Statements - (25-05-2017)
- Formation of a Group for Reviewing the Decision Regarding Noting of Change in Constitution on Account of Leaving of Partner of Firm and Allied Issues. - (22-05-2017)